Monday, June 18, 2012



An increase in the demand for houses can be caused by:

•  Income – rapidly increasing incomes tend to cause significant 
increases in the demand for houses.
•  Desire for home ownership – there is a certain status associated with 
home ownership.
•  Cost of mortgages – if the cost of mortgages are low then demand for 
houses will increase.  This can be caused by low interest rates, good 
fixed rates, discounted interest rates etc.
•  Availability of mortgages – at certain times financial institutions may 
make it easier to obtain a mortgage.  Examples include allowing people 
to borrow more, cash back schemes and 100% mortgages. 
•  Price expectations – a big influence on demand is if people believe that 
houses prices will continue to rise.  People thus believe that if the buy 
now they can sell at a profit later. 


In the short term the supply of houses is relatively inelastic since it is very 
difficult to bring new houses on to the market.  In the longer term supply can 
be influenced by: 
•  Costs of production – building costs such as price of land a wages can 
shift supply to the left. 
•  Government regulation – new government regulations can severely 
restrict the number of house being constructed.
•  Council house sales – in the 1980’s the government encouraged 
people to purchase their council houses. 


The diagram below shows the effect of an increase in demand on the price of 
houses with an inelastic supply curve: 

Any increase in demand means only a small short term increase in supply but 
a relatively large increase in price.


The reason for the government to have rent controls is to provide cheap 
rented accommodation for the very poor.  The effect can be seen on the 
following diagram:

The rent control is an example of a maximum price, which brings down the 
cost of renting a house (R2).  There are however a few problems as a result: 
The quantity of rented accommodation available falls to Qs. 

There is now a shortage of rental accommodation equal to Qd – Qs. 

In the longer term landlords may opt not to rent out their accommodation and 
sell it instead, because their profits have fallen due to the lower rents now 
available.  This will bring about a further fall in the availability of rented 
accommodation and therefore an even bigger shortage. 

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